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The importance of data and target groups

Affiliate marketing should not be limited to the lower funnel. It can and should cover the entire funnel, including the creation of awareness. Unfortunately, this channel is often associated exclusively with performance due to its performance-based remuneration model. However, there are now various remuneration models available to us. It would be a mistake to limit affiliate marketing to the immediate pre-purchase phase, as this would mean missing out on valuable advertising opportunities. I believe that affiliate marketing and collaborations should take place wherever search engines like Google or social media platforms like Meta have no direct influence. This includes editorially written articles, reviews, communities and guides. These advertising spaces are becoming increasingly important, especially among generation Z. This target group views brands and their messages critically and tends to trust authentic recommendations from objective sources – be it on social media platforms or from influencers.

Content as a potential driver

However, there is still considerable potential, particularly in the area of recommendations from magazines such as Computer Bild, and Finanztipp, which may belong to large publishing houses such as Burda and Axel Springer. If an advertiser is not yet present here, it may not have done enough for its target group of tomorrow. It doesn’t always have to be expensive, as there are many medium and small magazines that are suitable for every budget. One example of this is Inside Digital, which takes a close look at its target groups and their needs and adapts its editorial content accordingly.

The preceding analysis prevents failure

Allow me to give you an example of how careful analysis before a campaign can prevent failure: A client intended to target an affiliate marketing campaign at generation Z. This seemed promising given the core target group. However, after a detailed analysis, we discovered that this target group was looking for information in the store, but not buying from the retailer.

This analysis saved us from launching a campaign that would have had a low conversion rate. Instead, we were able to communicate clear expectations of the campaign to the client and recommend that they first make the online store more attractive to the target group. This included working with product management and creating a shared customer insight, optimizing the user experience to the needs of the target audience and providing the information that the target audience needed.

In this case, one of the advantages the retailer had over our client’s online store was product recommendations and reviews from shoppers, which made the product more tangible for the target group. One answer to this was the use of a testimonial, which rejuvenated the online store and created the trust that the target group was looking for.

Overcoming prejudices in affiliate marketing

My wish is for advertisers to overcome old prejudices, re-evaluate publisher segments and open up to awareness and content campaigns. At the same time, I encourage our publishers to analyze their target groups and share this knowledge with us. Together, we can better target audiences and create a successful experience on both sides.

I hope these thoughts have given you insights into the diversity of affiliate marketing and encouraged you to think outside the box. We will be happy to discuss and advise you further. Stay curious and open to new opportunities in affiliate marketing!

For even more information about affiliate marketing, please get in touch with us.