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The successful and innovative case submitted together with the long-standing client MediaMarktSaturn was the first time that the PIPA product developed by PIA Media was used. It is the answer to the question of how we can use the Google Cloud and BigQuery to take product intelligence for retailers to the next level and thus achieve maximum relevance of the products for the target group. The algorithm for Product Insights & Performance Automation – PIPA for short – developed by PIA Media uses Product Intelligence as a performance driver.

These data sources flow together in the Google Cloud and are then analyzed with regard to the customer’s current marketing objectives. The PIPA algorithm then evaluates and weights all factors at product level, calculates which products can make the greatest contribution to achieving the target on a daily basis, clusters and prioritizes them.

PIPA helps to set up and test marketing hypotheses in order to provide relevant input to the on-site team or category management, for example. In addition, product clusters can be activated directly via product feeds in the Google Ads platform and algorithms can be prompted to achieve the marketing goals in the best possible way.

The submitted case contained two concrete application examples for the implementation of these findings in the media sector. In the Google Shopping area, the campaigns were restructured using individual product scoring, which optimized the use of budget sustainably and in line with MediaMarktSaturn’s business objectives. In the display area, PIPA made it possible to play out feed-based and dynamic high-value products in the banners instead of a random rotation. This increased relevance not only increased the click-through rate, but also the ROAS by 35 % in each case and also resulted in better scalability of the media budget due to the reduction of the CPC by -25 %.

The jury, consisting of experts from Google and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), was impressed by this case. Among the five participating finalists, PIA Media and The Boutique Agency’s case were also convincing. Michael Schönherr, Managing Director of PIA Media Munich, accepted the award in Dublin on behalf of PIA Media.

Michael Schönherr, Managing Director of PIA Media Munich, emphasizes: “Our goal is to address the customer as effectively as possible in all interaction phases across all touchpoints, whereby relevance is our currency. The key levers for this – business objectives, creative and data – interlock seamlessly in this specific case, in which the activation in two channels underlines their cross-platform significance.”

“All of the cases submitted showed that AI-based solutions can deliver better results and added value for customers. However, the cases were mostly very customer-specific or limited to the use of an AI-supported product. PIA Media has gone a big step further here and has linked all available customer data with real-time data and developed a proprietary tool that generates insights with the help of AI and then uses them to activate campaigns. This provides an AI-based tool that allows the agency to scale the approach. Congratulations on deservedly winning the German Agencies & Partners Award 2023,” explains Marc Nabinger, Managing Director Agencies & Partners, Google.