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On Monday evening before the first day of OMR 2024, we organized an exclusive pre-event together with our loyal customers and partners. 

In the iconic Hamburg bar “Blauer Peter”, our guests were able to get in the mood for the OMR with relaxed music and refreshing drinks and win great prizes sponsored by Feed Dynamix and DAZN.  

The next morning, we officially kicked off the OMR Days with our traditional open-air breakfast on our beautiful roof terrace. We started the day together in a relaxed atmosphere with freshly brewed café au lait and croissants to escape the stressful admission situation on the morning of the first day of the OMR trade fair. Well fortified, our contacts then set off into the OMR hustle and bustle together with their customers. 

The following two days were characterized by many profitable conversations with old and new companions as well as intensive technical discussions with customers and partners. 

The special highlights of the trade fair were the numerous exciting keynotes and masterclasses on the latest trends and developments in the world of digital marketing. These not only offered a deep insight into the current challenges facing the industry, but also practical solutions and innovative approaches that we can integrate into our media strategies in the future. 

A big thank you to all our great customers and partners who we had the pleasure of welcoming as guests and who accompanied us at OMR this year! 

And to everyone who couldn’t be there this year – don’t worry, we can’t wait to continue the tradition next year.