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This article was published on January 25th, 2024 on Horizont Online.

The third and final decision has now been made in the major tendering process for AOK’s content budget: After the Hirschen Group was presented as the new lead agency at the end of 2023 and TLGG won the social media mandate, the health insurance association has now awarded the media budget in the content area.

The mandate should not be confused with the media budget for umbrella brand communication, which will continue to be managed by Havas Media. The media budget for the content distribution of content as well as the planning and purchasing of the relevant media. The contract is worth around 20 million euros. PIA Media has now been awarded the contract for the mandate. The collaboration will start on April 1, 2024 and run until 2028. 

“We are delighted to have such an experienced partner at our side in the future with PIA,” says Steve Plesker, Managing Director Market/Products at the AOK Bundesverband. “The efficient use of paid media is a decisive factor, particularly in the push communication of AOK-relevant information and positions. The same applies to our social media channels, whose high reach and acceptance we want to consistently expand.” 

PIA Media CEO Axel Schönau adds: “Winning this budget and the responsibility that comes with it to bring the important health topics of the AOK community closer to a broad audience is close to our hearts. We are proud to contribute our digital expertise across all channels and to support not only in the target group-specific management of media, but also in the design of customized digital advertising media. We are looking forward to the exciting collaboration with the AOK content room team and the other agency partners.” 

AOK is completely reorganizing its agency relationships with this mega tender. Instead of one agency partner, which in previous years was called Bauerserviceplan and was solely responsible for the entire content mandate, the health insurance association has now split the budget into three sub-areas. The total volume of the budget is around 55 million euros.“ 

“The AOK is one of the first points of contact for more than 27 million insured persons when it comes to their health,” says Jens Martin Hoyer, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the AOK-Bundesverband, for whom providing evidence-based and entertaining information is a key requirement of the health insurance fund. “In recent years, we have very successfully established a wide-reaching media ecosystem in the areas of print, online and social media. We now need to further expand this position together with our new service providers,” continues Hoyer.