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To promote the streaming platform RTL+ for the client RTL, PIA Media relied on a full-funnel strategy to address and accompany potential users along the entire customer journey. The biggest challenge of this approach was to optimize the media campaigns according to the stage of each consumer in the funnel.

Especially in the mid-funnel, it was difficult to increase traffic and interest. Optimizing for clicks alone was insufficient to achieve the campaign goals in terms of qualitative onsite results. RTL was therefore looking for a way to simultaneously increase the quantity and quality of traffic.

RTL and PIA Media therefore decided to use the Display & Video 360 (DV360) custom bidding algorithm to optimize the campaigns. After defining the KPIs and weighting factors for the test campaign, the PIA Media team worked closely with Google colleagues to set up and integrate the algorithm into DV360. A/B testing was then used to compare the new custom bidding approach with the previous campaign strategy.

The performance figures paint a clear picture. The test campaign with individual bids achieved impressive results across all relevant KPIs. Due to the improved quality of the traffic generated, the campaign recorded a 90 % lower bounce rate and 2.4 times longer session durations with 33 % less cost per content start.

“With the development of an individual DV360 custom bidding algorithm, we have found an effective lever for generating valuable traffic with efficient budget utilization,” says Anna Keller, Topiclead Media Planning & Implementation, RTL Deutschland GmbH.

“In this case, the custom bidding algorithm has been individually developed to drive traffic quality without losing sight of quantity and cost efficiency and is therefore a very good support in the mid-funnel,” explains Rebecca Martin, Teamlead Key Account Management.